Saturday, July 17, 2010

Healthy hair

Healthy hair is Every morning when you wake up, you hair goes haywire. Also, every time you enjoy the cool zephyrs blowing through your luscious locks, you are asking for trouble. Leaving the hair loose to the whims of the wind, causes them to tangle and makes them knotty. The most common mistake with hair care is pulling out of hair knots. Instead, healthy hair tips are to keep
our hair covered every time you step out or tying them up, loosely when you hit the sack. The wind also causes friction between hair follicles, which leads to split ends and further damage. Another way of preventing breakage is to comb before you wash . Healthy hair with a wide toothed hair brush when they are wet which will remove the tangles. Healthy hair prevent breakage due to unintentional pulling.Hair brushes are usually used on longish hair, while the

comb is reserved for shorter styles. However, some people swear by using a hair brush on short hair. because all brushes provide an excellent and well needed service to all of us scalp circulation. Stimulating the blood vessels on one's scalp ensures that the hair grows strong and healthy, and develops a beautiful and lustrous shine.

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